Round robin FUN EVENTS
Check the Club Calendar for any changes.
* Usually Thursdays at 8:30 - 10:00 -- Members just show up.*
*No winners -- No losers -- Just for fun *
* No Cost for members - Visitors $3 *
Dick Biden Annual Tournament
Dick Beiden Scholarship Tournament
Round Robin (courts 1-5) + Lunch
Thursday, June 20⋅8:00 – 11:00am
Event Registration $25
Wine CountRy Classic Pickleball Tournament
NOVEMBER 1-3, 2024

Note: PRPC Members can use code PRPC24 to save $20.
Registration is now Open
Click button for more info & to register:
Always check the calendar for changes.
Bingo Round Robins - Thursday (every week - with the exception of Holiday season.) We have been holding these for 1 1/2 years. They seem to be consistent with players numbering in the high 30 to 40's. I still hear from attendees that it is a lot of fun and a good way to play with all different people. I have visitors comment on how they feel so comfortable and brought right into the mix to play. That comment means something to those of you that have visited courts in other towns.
Birthday celebrations - First Tuesday between months being celebrated. Example: Next celebration will be for January / February birthdays. To be celebrated on Tuesday, February 6th. Will request volunteer bakers from the membership.
Tuesday, February 13 - Valentine's Day Pickleball Lovefest. Pre-determined Round Robin. Wear red. Serve lunch after play. Cost for all registered players or lunch $5 / per person.
Thursday, March 14 - St. Patrick's Day Themed Bingo Round Robin. Wear green. Club provided carafes from Starbucks - 1 coffee and 1 hot chocolate. Volunteer providers of green finger foods.
Thursday, April 11 - Spring Fling. Pre-determined Round Robin. Wear your best "Spring Hat." Lunch after play. Cost for all registered players or lunch $5 per person.
Thursday, June 20 - Dick Beiden Scholarship Tournament Pre-determined Round Robin. Lunch on patio following play. Registration $ 25 per person (player or lunch attendee). Possible - street taco caterer with salsas. Membership to bring pot luck salads.
Thursday, July 4 - Independence Day Themed Bingo Round Robin with lunch following. Wear your most patriotic shirt/outfit. Club provides hot dogs, bag of chips and soft drinks.
Thursday, August 8 - Hot August Daze lce Cream Social. Predetermined round robin play. Salads and ice Cream Social following play.
Thursday, Sept. 26 - Float into Fall. Bingo Round Robin followed by ice cream floats.
November 1-3 - Wine Country Classic Tournament
Thursday, October 31 - Volleyween Bingo Round Robin play. Wear costumes. Volunteer bakers bring treats.
Thursday, November 14 - PRPC Friendsgiving Bingo Round Robin. Club provided sandwiches for lunch following. Host Atascadero Club.
Friday, December 6 - PRPC HolidayCelebration
Check for other tournaments:
Santa Barbara Tournament in May -- See our BLOG page for details.
Many tournaments around the country at PickleballTournaments.com.